Saturday, 26 April 2014

Hillarys to Port Denison

Crack'o'dawn arrived which saw the three yachts sail majestically out of Hillarys and set a course to Port Denison, a fairly long sail all day, all night and all the next day, arriving after dark in the Port Denison harbour. We found a mooring to cling to but in the process we lost the boat hook over the side which sank to the bottom of the very murky water. Rather than go diving for it we thought it much easier to go and buy a new one. How hard can it be to buy a boat hook, we thought. The one we lost was old and bent anyway, but more on that later.

The sail from Hillarys was a great introduction to 'the cruising life' calm seas, gentle breeze and time to get used to the on board routines of checks, navigation and logging. We sorted out the watches so that we were each given a chance to rest through the night sail. The moon was full and gave us good visibility. Not much traffic but a few craypots to keep us on our toes.

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